1. Make Cute Invitations! If the invite is handmade chances are the recipients will spend more time looking at at and are sure to get excited about the party!
2. Plan a day for you and your girls to go vintage and consignment store shopping! The tea party will be more fun if you all dress up like little girls do when they play tea party! I'll never forget dressing up in my mom's clothes, shoes, and jewelry! It adds a fun twist to the party and makes for super cute photo ops! If you all can't work out a day then make sure to tell your girlfriends to go look in their grandmother's closets.. they are sure to find tea party-worthy treasures in there!

3. Plan to bake pretty and delicious treats! If you need ideas you should watch the Marie Antoinette movie and look at the colors and designs on the cupcakes and chocolates they eat! Every time I watch that movie I want them so bad!
4. Decorate. Decorate. Decorate. The decorations at a tea party are what truly make the tea party a success! There needs to be doilies, hearts, banners, lace, tulle, tulle, lace, more tulle, hearts, and did I mention lace? Cover your tables with pretty table cloths and make sure the dessert table has towers and towers of treats! Also be sure that there are cute floral centerpieces and make sure there are NO FAKE FLOWERS! Even if you're on a budget... go to the grocery store and make the centerpieces from those flowers! Include sequins and streamers in your decor! Remember... tea parties are girlie so have fun with it... make it look like the tea party princess threw up in your house! (Yes, the tea party princess does exist ) And also have fun things laying around like feather boas and plastic tiaras... things that will make your party fun and memorable and yet again make wonderful photo ops!
5. Make sure your guests leave with a gift... After all it IS Valentine's Day! You can make up goodie bags filled with candy jewelry, ring pops, pixie sticks, chocolate hearts, and a personalized valentine. If you or someone you know has a polaroid camera you can snap pictures during the party and slip away near the end to put the photos into cute little frames and hand them out before each guest leaves. This also works if you have a printing dock for your digital camera. It could even be something as simple as a small box of chocolates. Just show your guests your appreciation for their attendance! You could even create a "Mailbox" for each of your guests and ask that your friends each bring cards to put in each person's box, just like in elementary school!
This is an easier way to make a "mailbox" out of tissue boxes
Treat Bag Option
Polaroid & Picture Frame Option (Above & Below)
A few other things to consider when throwing your tea party are: Music Playlists, When the party will being and how ling it will last, Activities to do during the party i.e. Games, Trivia, etc. And will there be prizes for activity winners? Just have fun and be creative! Throw such a good tea party that it will become a V-Day tradition within your circle of friends!
This is my Inspiration Collage for the tea party I hope to throw for my Friends & I on Valentine's Day!!!
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